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More hats + possibly accessories for personas

Personas and Avatar

2 years ago
May 2, 2023, 6:35:08 AM

Not entirely sure if it's possible, what with personas being tied into this website and all that, but nobody else has suggested it yet so I will. More hats for personas! Cowboy hats, berets, crowns, fezzes, sky's the limit! Also suggesting accessories for the face too. I mean glasses, monocles, sunglasses (especially if they're aviator shades), those weird disco shades, masks, medical masks, maybe tattoos again, sky's the limit! :D

Updated 19 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 27, 2023, 5:48:50 PM

I'd love to see all of the options you've mentioned, some great hats out there that are yet to be included, and I'd love accessories too!

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