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2 years ago
May 10, 2023, 11:20:24 AM

45 territory size is a biggest that we got now, and there are so small, specially in a bigger maps.
We should have at lest: 50, 55,60, 65, 70

I personally love 60 tiles territories as a standard, tried it with mod, but it should be in a base game.
In this setting, game just makes more sense.
- City cap is now a problem in the biggest maps (not so much with bigger territories!)
- City growing to enormous sizes in the endgame (In bigger territories they won't join together so much!)
- In the endgame distances between cities become very small, sometimes even to the point of just being side by side (in bigger territories is easier to maintain more space between them for AI!)
- Cities just consume regions even in midgame (In bigger territories  early/mid game there is much more space to chose city place in one region, and it's stay in a one/two regions for a long time, making fight for oruodings more fun!)

Updated 2 days ago.
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a year ago
Sep 5, 2023, 10:11:46 PM

I totally agree with the idea that having the option to choose to play with bigger territories than the ones we have now can only benefit the game.
And I would suggest that the highest size available could be at least 90.

I had this idea after playing the Aurigan Summer Contest. On that map I've had some of the best games ever, if not the best. I'm quite noob, in fact I haven't even managed to reach first place when the game ended, so i't obvious that I don't have a deep understanding of the balance of the game, BUT I can say that I probably had so much fun cause territories were huge in a huge map and I think most territories were at least 90 hexes.

Since it's not a competitive online multiplayer game and since there are already tons of customizable options for random generated worlds I think reaching 90 hexes territories can only be a plus for the game, even if this option is restricted to 8+ players maps.

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