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2 years ago
May 13, 2023, 9:30:18 AM


as everybody knows stronger units requires more than one resource of a kind to be mustered.

Howitzer unit requires 3 saltpeter and 3 copper for example.

I know that is a precise design to force the player to grab resources or trade (although resource trade is not diplomatically easy)  but this leads to entire games where you skip "standard" units (like Howitzer) and force you, for example, to bring medieval units in industrial era.

I mean, it's ok to skip war chariots, and is also realistic, but common units (like modern cannons) should be always available (and remember that line infantry doesn't have any resource requirement)


Is there any plan to convert lack of resource requirements into an increasing unit cost/slower replenishmnet/lowered stats?

Of course an equal (and maybe better) way to implement it is to give bonus to player who met requirements ( decreased unit cost/fastest replenishmnet/bonus on stats).

Updated 18 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 13, 2023, 8:06:44 PM

In my games it is never hard to obtain the necessary amount of resources for any unit. The design is pretty good as is, but your remarks about trade are pretty valid, because International Trading Civic is pretty hard to unlock. Globalism civic choice solves any trade issues, but Civic itself can be locked due to the elimination of one of the empires.

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2 years ago
May 13, 2023, 11:47:31 PM
neprostoman wrote:

In my games it is never hard to obtain the necessary amount of resources for any unit. The design is pretty good as is, but your remarks about trade are pretty valid, because International Trading Civic is pretty hard to unlock. Globalism civic choice solves any trade issues, but Civic itself can be locked due to the elimination of one of the empires.

I don't know what to say. I played 5 games since now and retrieve all resources is very hard. 

In my current game I struggle tu have 2 saltpeters, I'll probably never get the third one for howitzers in this game and I will be stuck with bombards in industrial age that really breaks immersion.

Anyway, if requirements exist, means the designers want you to sometimes not met them, and is ok, but not be able to recruit at all one standard unit like a cannon in industrial age is too much.

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