We should able to raid the region with expansionist culture(not talking about ransack buildings). And income can raise if city bigger or if there is so many traiding routes etc. Raiding can be war reason but not a actual war. And you can attack raiders without any issues. If raider army want to close raiding stance they need to wait 1 more turn (or 2 thats just balance thing) to cancel the stance.
And if you can't solve the problem of the raiders stability goes down constantly and when city have %20 stabilty (or any other number again thats just balance thing) the reigion where the most raidiers in unlink region connection to the city. Raiders can use expansionist ability btw.
If there is standing army in the region center, 5 turn after the unlink rebels spawn and immediately attack standing army. And raiders can help the rebels. If rebels win, they become pop again and closest raider army move in to the region center. And can get region instantly if raiders use expansionist ability. (So standing army cannot block your ability)
So with raiding expansionist cultures constantly make money with their armies, and they can create problem to their enemies. In a way, we can call it a kinda rework? I don't know if it will work, but I wanted to add it because it came to my mind.
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