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Immersive Events and City/Unit Naming

CivicsIdeologiesNarrative Events

2 years ago
May 20, 2023, 8:34:03 PM

I think the immersion in the game could be improved with some more utilization of city naming and unit naming.

An example:
I have cities with names of my culture or captured cities of other cultures, the city names are thus a mix of different cultural names. 

The civic multiculturalism/monoculturalism could have an additional effect OR event that gives the choice:

multiculturalism - all cities retain their original founding names.

monoculturalism - all cities are named according to the current culture of the player.

I'm sure this idea can be extended beyond this, naming regiments based on civics ie: royal regiment etc etc

Updated 13 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 28, 2023, 5:15:14 PM
EsoulBoy wrote:

You already can rename city names and units in the game

To be clear, I am aware of this. My idea is in relation to it being tied to your civic choices or something along those lines - and for the renaming to be seamless/automatic.

For example. I am Germans in early modern era, if I want ALL my cities renamed to German cities, I need to go and rename them manually (also not renaming according to the list of German cities within the game). So I end up being the "Germans" with cities named Parsa, Roma, Koumbi Saleh, Nok....,while my idea would be that based on my Civic choice, the city naming would be automatically enforced to either original names or all names from your current cultures list of names.

The point being here is that manually renaming takes you out of the immersive experience to do 'meta' changes to your culture, making it take you out of the game...meanwhile automatic naming would immerse you in the experience of YES i am romans/germans/whatever culture now.

AN ADDITIONAL idea now that I think of it would be to have some sort of AI/ML sentiment/translation that converts names to their linguistic equivalent of that culture - now im getting crazy with this idea but if I am ancient and my city is named something that means 'by the river' going to a different culture in the next era might alter the name to that cultures equivalent of 'by the river'.

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