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better shuffle on soundtrack

Game optionsBattlesCultures

2 years ago
Jun 6, 2023, 10:41:28 PM

currently the music is extremely repetitive. Obtained all Soundtrack DLCs "music for the ages" and was quite surprised how much variance there is.

Yet in mid and late game it seems like the game does always play the "same 3 tracks", especially when in peace, at war / battle. It is quite tedious. i am aware that the soundtrack is not that diverse as in Civ 4 and 5, but comparing it to your own standards, this the shuffle method of your soundtrack should be revised. There is few of cultural depending on music playing as offered in the music for the ages. Secondly music for the ages does not seem to offer a unique soundtrack per age and faction as we are used to, e.g. in Civ 5 or 6.

tldr: please revise the code for the internal shuffle mechanism to offer more variant of music.

Subjectively it feels like in mid and late game Humankind favours playing.

- Hidden Soul
- Pastorale
- Videte Gigantem
- Signs

and most of all
- Astrea Fled
- Eudaimones
- Deus Ora Movet

- Amongst the Mighy

Frankly, I cannot stand these tracks any more :) Certainly most of them are chorales.

Knowing Humankind has more to offer, I beg, to introduce more variants of music, least bringing the music for the ages into the game.

Thank you very much in advance!

Updated 2 months ago.
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