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2 years ago
Aug 23, 2023, 9:44:59 PM

With the invention or steam locomotives and railroad tracks, large amounts of goods and people were transported and increased economic and industrial development in the 19th century. Standardized time was developed to prevent trains from crashing into each other on the same track. The North German confederation utilized railroads to move its troops to quickly defeat the Second French Empire during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. While Humankind allows players to utilize train stations by allowing armies to quickly move between territories, but that's it. I wish to see if the developers can make some of the following improvements to allow more players to have better experience with using train stations in the late game:

Clearer, visible tracks on the world map

I have seen several videos of people playing Humankind when the closed beta was released and played several games when I noticed that some players had trouble seeing where the rails were on the map after completing train stations in nearby territories. I think I would be interesting to be able to see were the tracks have been developed more clearly after building train stations in nearby territories. It would make the game map more visually appealing with the addition of other visual changes like the inclusion of tunnels, bridges or paved roads and highways instead of having constant dirt roads and trails in the future.

Railroads and Trade

Despite the popular belief that trucks transport the most goods, railroads actually transport the most amount of goods by land. If possible, make it an option that allows rails to be used to transfer goods over land that is cheaper than air and sea. I understand that a new update will be released soon at the time of writing that will allow trade routes to be raid for various goods. I think the will be a possibility that raiding train stations can produce a similar affect, just with less goods taken. 

Edit: Possibly give train stations an economic boost by allowing train stations next to market quarters to produce some money (gold) to reflect the increased transport of goods during the Industrial Era. An idea about increasing industry and money generated from a train station based on how many neighboring territories have train stations and next to makers' and market quarters is questionable as I am unsure about the algorithm to be used to calculate the yields with every new game along with the thought of generating some money from train stations from other empires.

Sharing Train Stations

Railroads have allowed troops and people to move quickly and to the front lines, but I haven't seen other AI players do the same thing. They build train stations, but never utilize them, only for the production yields. If they build train stations, we should be able to use them if they allow us. One idea is that if two players have an alliance with shared logistics or open borders, they can use each others train stations to mobilize troops over land quickly. All envoys should be able to use train stations to travel quickly between territories as they can travel to any empire or independent people to gain leverage and engage in diplomacy.

 Train stations destroyed or occupied by enemy troops can restrict movement as enemies would not allow enemy troops to utilize their infrastructure during a war (update: This thought has been implemented; it isn't often seen as AI players don't build train stations often).

Concluding Thoughts

This concludes my idea for improve the way Humankind can be played with new implements for train stations in the potential future. If any one wishes to approve or disapprove of these ideas, please leave a reply, so we can work together to implement new changes that will improve the way the story of Humankind is told.

Updated 9 days ago.
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a year ago
Aug 31, 2023, 1:12:11 PM

I also think that the railroad in Humankind doesn't offer the depth that it actually deserves and needs. 

I support your points, but I think more attention should be paid to the economic aspects. Without railroads, the economy in real life would never have grown as big as it has. That's why I would suggest industrial advantages or synergies with districts. 

Railroads often border industrial areas so that goods can be transported quickly and easily from there. The current synergy is unfortunately very weak and not really worth it. In addition, you only need one station for the bonus, which does not necessarily have to be connected to another station. It is important that there are good and many connections between the stations, and thus also between the industrial districts. 


I think the station should get an industry bonus, which should depend on these factors (industrial district adjacent; number of stations it is connected to, which may still depend on how much industry the connected stations produce). 

(Another idea would be that railroads leading to foreign countries generate money).

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a year ago
Sep 15, 2023, 11:15:52 AM

Just like in Monopoly, the bonus should scale with the number of railroad stations (since you can only build 1/territory, it will be like EQs). 1 station doesn't give any bonus, but 2 gives more... and 50 gives a ton more. It probably shouldn't be exponential, but yeah, the total bonus should depend on the number of stations within a city.

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