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logo amplifiers simplified
a year ago
Sep 22, 2023, 4:07:39 PM

I understand that devs don’t have time and money for some total balancing the game, but it would be really very nice, if many core formulas were reworked. For example , the food consumption and district cost formula, the pop buyout and money cost formulas, maybe add also influence buyout option. Would be nice to see some attachment territory discount for district cost. Also many civics could be nicely changed to add more per adjacency synergies. Because there is already many nice features in the game, I believe next step should be towards some balancing core mechanics of the game. 

P.s.  I know there are many mods which are doing this today, but they also change tons of other concepof the game, while some players still prefer vanilla vision of the game. 

Updated 9 days ago.
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a year ago
Sep 23, 2023, 5:09:19 AM

I agree, pop buyout is very expensive given the number of shifts to generate population in the first eras, which is where the number of workers is really impactful. The cost of districts also scales very quickly and does not take into account the number of territories in the city. Religions are little explored and have low impact, being very costly to disseminate to other empires, which would accelerate the gain of precepts, while most of their bonuses are unattractive and very conditional. The civics urgently need improvements, some even in two years of playing the game I never even unlocked, like the punishment one, while others never activate them, such as secularism and atheism, because they simply do not provide benefits that justify the expense.

Updated a year ago.
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