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allow us to choose armor as a female or clothes as a male

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 11:56:22 PM

another silly thing but why can't we choose to have armor as a female or clothes as a male
i understand in later eras a woman wearing a dress makes sense
but i mean its not something impossible
joan of arc
tomoe gozen
etc. i feel it would shake up the creations a little bit seeing what can and can't be made

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a year ago
Dec 25, 2023, 6:12:44 AM

Implementation for this, though somewhat more challenging that perhaps is feasible for the time being, would be great.

Allowing for a wider array of expression is great, and will allow the game to cater to a wider audience; whether chosen as a genuine form of self-expression or as a tongue-in-cheek 'no middle sliders' form of customisation, this'd be nice.

Unfortunately, creating further iterations of the existing and future outfits to cater for this fundamental change feels unrealistic for the game; at least for the time being. But it is a neat idea.

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