I think the entire leverage system needs improvement. I find the micromanagement associated to it to be very tedious (send eight or more agents, keep agents close to possible leverage sources, cycle through agents checking for leverage intel, check for leverage intel every time a crisis occurs, collecting leverage, forgiving crisis once leverage is collected). The search for leverage intel slows the game pace. I wish I could order my agents to do it automatically or, even better, that this system was entirely inside the diplomatic screen. But since a rework would require lots of changes, one quick change that could improve things is showing leverage intel when zoom out is maxed. I want to be able to look the entire map for levarege, but the map keeps hiding them once the zoom is too far.
I can see the leverage intel here
I zoomed out a little and can no longer see the leverage intel
I want to be able to see leverage intel when the zoom is this far
Raven Fanatic
Raven Fanatic
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Why do you report dongliz?
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Why do you report drizzth?
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Officer Spark
Officer Spark
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Why do you report Navarobirsk?
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Fanatic in Disguise
Fanatic in Disguise
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Why do you report ilusha100?
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