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a year ago
Dec 21, 2023, 4:38:14 PM

 How relics work. 

Relics have either a permanent effect or a certain number of activations, between which there is a cooldown The effects listed are only examples, relics should also have bonuses for production, food, and so on. There are also different classes of relics, which are...

1. relics of cultures

The legacies of a culture you have played are not really noticeable in Humenkind, to fix this every culture should have a relic that can still be used after switching to another religion. These relics would also be a good way to balance cultures, so a culture that is very bad so far, like the Hittites, can get a very strong relic and a culture like the Egyptians a rather weak one. Relics that are not consumed but have cooldown should give bonuses in the range of plus 1 movement and 2 combat power for 20 turns or plus 15% research for 30 turns (normal speed). Those with 1 use, plus 3 movement, 5 combat strength and 50% more combat experience for 25 turns or 4 random techs for free. There are no permanent relics in this category. 

2. normal relicts

Normal relics should be obtained through battles, coriosities and events. They are rather weak, but are still good to have. Of these relics, there are only consumable ones. The bonuses correspond to about 1 random free tech or 20 more war support (once) and 1 more combat strength for 5 rounds.

3. permanent relics 

These should only be available through event chains. These are the only ones that have permanent effects. Such relics give you plus 1 combat strength or plus 5% more research speed.

Relics should also be able to be bought in peace negotiations with war support.

Updated 9 days ago.
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