In my opinion the later part of the midgame and especially the lategame is a grind. The path to victory is clear and the only challenge is to overcome the boredom of clicking next turn, the strategic decisions are reduced to attacking a neighbour who doesn’t share the same landmass and was thus spared. To address this, i think HK should focus on providing a basis for interesting turn to turn decisions in the lategame.

I would love to see a major expansion in the way of dynamic terrain and not endless additions of new cultures. This mechanic would essentially replace one or a whole set of tiles with new types accompanied by a nice animation. The dynamic events could br  bushfires, avalanches, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes (these could mostly affect oceans+islands and only rarely hit the land)….

These could also work nice with the pollution mechanic, for example increased pollution could lead to increased droughts and eventual desertificarion of tiles, rising sea levels drowning islands and cities near the coast or entire regions where we have flatlands. Yes its somewhat similar to what is present in civ6, but they never took it far enough. HK is a far more complex game but it fails to shake things up once we have a stable empire bulit. The addition of dynamic terrain could lead to destroyed districts and cities, entire teritories could be submerged, burned, etc. requiring the player to readjust to changing circumstamces…. this could potentially greatly enhance the late game which always becomes a grind.