So basically it's a team game of 4 players per team, one will be the Leader, with 3 other players serving as Chief of Security, Chief of Economy and Industry, and Chief of Science and Agriculture. Each with their own special abilities and special powers to get their projects up the queue, which only the Leader can executively decide on. One idea could be having an actual Envoy-like unit that boost FIMS or reduce buyout cost to a state they're in, a little bit like the governor mechanic from ES2.

Every Era, a vote is decided to reshuffle the roles but some civics may prevent this such as Absolute Monarchy or One Party State. This gives way to interesting internal problems. Coups between the Leader and Chief of Security may also happen if there are disagreements on how to move forward. The Chief of Economy and Industry can enact strikes, the Chief of Science and Agriculture can get backing from other nations in secret for a faster development in return of science boost to the investor.

A bit of a crazy mechanic so I haven't really given it much thought. Just putting it out here lmao