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Priest and Artist Citizen Slots

CivicsPopulationTerritories Management

a year ago
Feb 20, 2024, 1:36:31 AM

Pretty self explanatory, despite faith and influence being yields they don't have a respective slot to place them in which is a shame. While neither of the resources really appear naturally in the game's terrain as the other 4 they're still important and have district types assigned to them more or less. These would be riskier to utilize as they shift resources from crucial things like food and production to secondary yields which are useful but situational.

To add onto this if a priest slot is added it should become called into question in the late game once secularism and state atheism become a thing that once these are passed by you or other players that you no longer gain access to pick which citizens choose to become priests. I'm not saying they should be removed from this point but instead you no longer gain access to assign people to these slots yourself which would allow players to gain access to he benefit of secularism while still pushing your faith onto others willingly.

Updated 5 days ago.
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