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Green Spaces DLC (Yeap, I'm contributing the idea for a future DLC)

Game optionsPopulationIdeologiesDiplomacyTechnologiesEconomyNarrative Events

2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 1:45:35 PM

So this idea of mine ties in with the current shaky foundation of the pollution management mechanics. As explained to one of the community managers on Reddit, I think this feature is great to have in Humankind. I don't think it should ever be removed from the game. In fact, having it opens up plenty of amazing opportunities for the future of this game.

Climate-related Disasters

Speaking as an advocate for climate change, I'm thinking that the developers/designers can include new content to simulate disasters as a way to penalize players who refuse to deal with their pollution levels. Think of it like our real world flash floods, droughts, hurricanes, heatwaves, etc. This events will affect the population in a city/territory and it lowers the stability as a result (people dying and complaining).

Climate-mitigation Districts

Call them "green districts" if you will. So maybe perhaps we can add a few more interesting districts to the cities. We can create a "solar farm", or "wind farm" on the ocean just off the coast (or on land). Allow these districts to offset the pollution per turn.

They work like the Commons Quarters, except green quarters/districts deal with pollution.

Climate-improved Districts

So after we do all the research on green technology in the tech tree, perhaps modify the farming districts and workers districts so that they produce less pollution. Think of it as modern green architecture and vertical farming (upcoming green technology trends...and yes, I have a deep passion for emerging technologies in real life).

Climate-related Congress actions

I haven't reached that far in the new DLC content yet. But think of this like Humankind's version of the COP (Conference of Parties). I'm still in the 3rd era in my present gaming sess (testing out the new diplomacy in-game features. So if there is something in the Congress already, then maybe the devs can look further into it and add other things to it. Maybe have some players agree on aid to help another nation with their struggling pollution. And if they had a disaster occurring in the territories that is a result of a neighbour generating too much pollution, have an option to step in or something. I'm sure we can come up with some really creative and meaningful ideas for this.

Climate-related Narratives

And yes, the usual narratives and animations and pop-up screens (messages) that are related to the researched tech, as well as when key climate-related events occur.

Updated 16 days ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 10, 2022, 11:13:39 PM

Please don't take this comment harshly. I strongly disagree with your opinion.

  1. The climate-related disasters that you name are not »region produced«, they're an amplification of already existing phenomenes, occuring more often and in stronger fashion. They are completely amoral and do happen in certain areas for meteorolical reasons. They are tied to global warming and as such can »punish« low emission people for the deeds of rich ones in more protected regions.
  2. Green districts are not green. Solar and wind farms both require a lot of materials, redesigning grids, etc. Plus those are intermittent, they need a back up, that mostly is gas or coal nowadays. Batteries would never be available in the volume that would be required to make the switch and are far from »green«.
  3. If by green architecture you're going the road of 100 meters or more buildings with swimming-pools every 2 floors but a bit of green here and there around the building with creepers on frames, it's not »green«. It's high tech and it can make people dream but it is not going to help.
  4. The COP have proven to have as much power as the UNO to change the course of the world.

Sorry for the very negative response. It is of course intended only about the ideas and not towards you personally.

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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 12:52:08 AM

Hey, its alright. I can take it. You did make a few good points. I respect that. And yes, you pointed out something that is accurate, climate disasters are usually the result of actions by wealthier nations creating majority of the pollution. So perhaps the game itself could look at spawning a higher frequency of disasters in those richer nations (player's territories) where it's causing those disasters, and also in other areas of the map.

It would then incentivise the players to participate in the Congress to force the richer nation to opt for a "greener" civic and pathway.

As a game, I think it's important to remember that it doesn't have to closely reflect reality all the time. There should always be that element of "reimagination". And in games like Humankind/Civ 6, I feel that allowing a more positive outcome for player's positive decisions can be a good thing.

But ofcourse, in reality, like you have mentioned, it's going to require A LOT of effort to truly replace the current amount of natural resources we're burning to generate electricity.

Again, to try to keep with the reality of climate change, I did mention that those suggested features would help to reduce pollution, not eliminate it totally.

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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 9:50:21 PM

Thank you for having taken the time to reply.
I'm still not in favour of it but wish you good luck nonetheless to gather the required amount of upvotes.
Have a nice week-end!

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