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Add our empire's science output/turn to the empire dashboard


2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 1:27:48 PM

In the top right corner of the screen, near where we can see our empire's money and influence, it would be fantastic if we can see our empire's science production per turn.  We don't need to see any kind of "total", but it would be nice to see how much science we're producing per turn as we navigate through various screens and tools and adjust our science.  Currently I need to close whatever page I'm on and open the science menu, then go back.

Updated 9 days ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 7:31:42 PM

This is a greatly needed UI element, especially after UI change in Metternich Update. Technology Panel/Screen icon is relocated to upper right corner now and there is no way to show both a summary of our cities' FIMS situation and total science output in the same screenshot portraying a general SitRep for our Empire.

Incidentally, a progress bar inside the tech icon (just like the radial progress bar of old circular icon) showing how close we are to complete the tech currently being researched would be greatly appreciated.

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