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Must Scale City Cap for larger Maps

Game options

2 years ago
Nov 13, 2022, 1:09:45 AM

There is no scale for map size.
I prefer to play larger maps with more terrain, it naturally leads to more cities being founded by myself, AI and Smaller AI players.

Updated 16 days ago.
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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

You are right.
Still not sure how it will be delivered, as it perhaps could be automatic or perhaps an option when creating the game.
But it is something that we have in mind to be added in the future.

Have a nice day :)


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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 2 years ago

You are right.
Still not sure how it will be delivered, as it perhaps could be automatic or perhaps an option when creating the game.
But it is something that we have in mind to be added in the future.

Have a nice day :)

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a year ago
Sep 28, 2023, 8:41:21 AM

I propose that City Cap scaling would depend on the Number of Territories, which is (roughly) calculated by :

Number of Territories  = Map Size * Land percentage / Territory size

Technologies that increases City Cap would have their increase scaled on the Number of Territories.

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