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Trade Routes

2 years ago
Nov 16, 2022, 12:32:40 PM

Implement a system where corporations, a district type compete for market share in territories similar to religion and culture. But the district itself yields increase or decrease depending on how much global market share it holds.

One type of district per yield: Food, Science, production, money. The more territories as a majority, higher the yields. 

Military: companies increase CS and a second one reduces unit cost.

Non-profit companies yield influence and leverage.

Thus would start in the fourth era. The requirements for each district should be a number of a district type. Like 15 maker quarters and access to all 3 production resources. 

For military would be 15 forts. Or unit cost reduction a standing army of 30.

District provides +2 worker slot of their chosen yield. 

For military corporations they increase citizens yields +1

New events can boost or have a negative mpact with corporations. 

One corporation per tier. Similar to religion. Once x number of territories are controlled a tier 2 level is acceses to have a second corporation. And new effects that help increase market share. 

Finally, sales agents are created they are similar to envoys but instead generate gold in other civilizations and it increases the market share where they stand and their maintenance cost increases as the corporations yields increases. 

Territories receiving services from corporations receive a minor boost of the yields and a worker slot for the corporations that provide yields.

Corporations can have their own names. Diplomatic effects would be to ban corporations from a player in your territories. 

Having more strategic resources like oil increases outputs of corporations.

One hq corporation district per civilization until higher tiers are unlocked. 

Updated 11 days ago.
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10 months ago
Jun 8, 2024, 11:27:10 AM

Incredible idea.

I clearly could pay for the feature as a DLC. I always thought that civilization strategy management games really need more features in the economics side, at least more then; "Want more money --> Build a money district". The lack of economic mechanic really stances out for me in the late stage of a game, as your civilization grows physically, scientifically and technologically, there is not that complexification of your economic system of your country that you would think happens in real life. Your country is not a corporation, it houses corporations in its borders and thus needs to be a fertile ground to them. This is were the corporation system would makes sense in the game.

Your idees of unlocking access to certain types of corporation later in the game, progressively, in function of what was your gameplay centered on is a really lovely implementations of the way a corporation gameplay/mechanic could be added to the game. 

Moreover, the fact that the number of corporation that a player can have, vary with the quantity of territories that are controlled be his corporations in a similar way to how religions territories works, could permit smaller nations in physical size to still be relevant in the game be the economics control it could have on other countries and by still being able to have a descent industrial and economical output. Adding another level beyond biggest country = powerfullest country, as its not what we see in the real world, you still need to not have a falling industrial and economic system no matter the size of th country.

The fact that humankind has a very good politics and dogmes system also means that interesting's choices can be made by the players to, for instance, have an open/world wide market or a closed market, only accepting players via an accords inter-players or having customs and taxes or opened frontiers across adjoining countries.

Agreements between players add more collaborations and block players to "just go to war" with each disaccords. As the Humankind war system encourage already with the level of support that you get from the inhabitants of your country during war.

And I believe that if Humankind was a game with developed economics features it could really stand-out of the other civilization management games like civ6 that has more developed trading route features.

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