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Ambushes only during war


2 years ago
Dec 20, 2022, 2:47:55 PM

I love the changes in Together We Rule, EXCEPT for ambushes, which have quickly become the single most frustrating mechanic in the game.

- You move your army somewhere, but one tile into the movement they stumble on a single spy/prowler who runs away. The army now has no movement points and has basically lost the turn

- You get CONSTANTLY ambushed by Prowlers even when they belong to your own vassals/allies. Moving around the map actually becomes difficult

- The AI spams Prowlers to an absurd level. They're everywhere.
- The constant ambushes create an enormous amount of grievance spam. Again, your misbehaving vassals will get you into trouble by randomly attacking the units of other cultures. It's chaos. 

I understand the idea behind ambushes BUT they should only trigger when you're actually at war with someone. Otherwise, the other interesting mechanics in the game become pointless. Using envoys isn't worth it when the envoys constantly get ambushed and killed by people you have good relations with.

Updated 15 days ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 20, 2022, 4:28:47 PM

Agreed, especially the envoys getting killed. However, I think some ambushes in peace time should remain, when empires are distrusting / hateful, etc. The ambush menu needs a pass function to stop the ambush, retreat is not realistic when your side initiates the ambush.

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2 years ago
Dec 21, 2022, 4:25:40 PM

Yes! At the very least:

- Envoys should be immune to ambushes in all situations.

- Armies of allies or empires who signed a non aggression pact should not be able to ambush each other.

For the first part, even during wars, envoys were used to negotiate peace and as such received different treatment. Imo, a way to represent this in game would be to make attacking envoys only ever a deliberate action. (And maybe have each envoy within an enemy's city reduce their war support by 1 point per turn during war as a way to represent peace negotiations)

The second point is self explanatory I think.

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