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Add Straits, Canals, Tunnels, Passes and Bridges as Special Districts

ModdingGUIMultiplayerFameBattlesMilitaryTechnologiesTerritories ManagementWorld Generation

2 years ago
Jan 5, 2023, 2:49:45 PM

Reading Wald's "Canal Infrastructure?" thread, I had the idea to not just add a Canal (which original idea is Here) but also the "natural" counterpart that would work similarly.

Wald's idea was to add a district that would have allowed the transit in land trough its "track" to both land and water unit. RedSirus suggested to make it work as an (expensive) harbour, limiting its presence to one per territory (and I would add as requisites: it has to connect at least 2 low water tiles), and he also suggested the addition of a similar district for mountains: the Tunnel. In the same way I proposed to add to the Canal the natural variant of the strait, I'm suggesting to add to the Tunnel the Pass! (the Pass should be the natural space between mountain chains that allows to traverse them; I didn't know its name in english so I googletransated it from my 1st language)

I'll schematize my idea in order to clarify it better:

it allows the transit of:
Water and Land Unitsjust Land Units
It's an artificial structure:CanalTunnel
It's a natural modifier:StraitPass

The Tunnel should be limited just to once per mountain chain and, alongside the Canal, it should de unlocked in the 5th/6th era. All of this structures/natular modifiers should grant a negative CS bonus to the units standing there, in a similar way rivers already do.

Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.

         Thank you for your support :)

Updated 3 hours ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 21, 2023, 10:33:22 PM

This would be great. Playing on the earth realistic map is a lot of fun, but when you play on the Americas it certainly is a pain to move your fleet all the way around if necessary. One problem with this though is if you place the canal would it be difficult to make it passable from all directions. If you wanted to go from Atlantic to Pacific, then the canal would be directed from one ocean to the other, but if a troop wanted to pass that from north america to south america, would the troop go into the canal for a turn as if it was water or would it walk over it because it is in a line from one ocean to another? Im sorry if my question is convoluted, but i would still love to see this incorporated, especially the canals with their own technology.

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5 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 1:08:14 PM
Is there any word on where this stands in the backlog? This feature is keeping Humankind from being the game it deserves to be. Would deeply appreciate any intel :)
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a year ago
Sep 24, 2023, 6:21:22 PM

I'd love to see the ability to build canals.  It'd be especially useful on chaotic continents, like this one.

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a year ago
Sep 17, 2023, 12:54:07 PM

I wonder whether in the game we shall also see some futuristic options among these. In addition, I think that the Canal should also give some Industry since it played an important role during the Industrial Revolution.

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2 years ago
May 24, 2023, 6:14:58 AM

Yes to this. I would like to add that terraforming in general I would like to see more off. Especially late game. (Perhaps some futuristic options as well?)

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2 years ago
Mar 23, 2023, 2:11:37 PM
Myoth25 wrote:

This would be great. Playing on the earth realistic map is a lot of fun, but when you play on the Americas it certainly is a pain to move your fleet all the way around if necessary. One problem with this though is if you place the canal would it be difficult to make it passable from all directions. If you wanted to go from Atlantic to Pacific, then the canal would be directed from one ocean to the other, but if a troop wanted to pass that from north america to south america, would the troop go into the canal for a turn as if it was water or would it walk over it because it is in a line from one ocean to another? Im sorry if my question is convoluted, but i would still love to see this incorporated, especially the canals with their own technology.

Mh... in this case I would make the troop pass normally the canal, and to show on its model the texture of a bridge if connected through a trade route

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2 years ago
Jan 5, 2023, 5:52:40 PM

I agree that there should be a limit on how many can be built per territory, but restricting it to just one makes it too restrictive, as the main cases where tunnels and canals are interesting, and bridges too, are usually on large mountain ranges, archipelagos and lakes, where it is common to separate more than one tile in length. I think the ideal would be for the cost of these buildings to grow exponentially, which would lead players to plan well where to build them.

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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 3:22:57 PM

I see it as an accessible tile (under the mountain in a sense) where units stand but their movement is only along the tunnel (similar to moving along the river with no movement penalties, but unlike rivers you cannot enter or leave the tunnel from the sides, only the open ends of it outside the mountain).. Any way.. will leave the technical details for when the idea is actually accepted.. 1M points seems unachievable for any idea.

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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 3:14:43 PM
Romani0 wrote:
Especially if the tunnels already give a penalty like rivers and they still limit the advances of the armies along that tunnel.

Mh... I don't think that Tunnels should limit the advance of armies; I just think that they should give a CS malus on th units standing in that tiles.

Actually Tunnel/Passes might not even allow units to stay on the mountain tile, but will "teleport" to the other side the units that have an order to go to a tile on the other side

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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 3:11:45 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:
Romani0 wrote:
What I am trying to say is, players should have the freedom to do what they want in their territories as long as they have the cost for it (Even if they remove the whole mountain as long as it is in their territory, they have the technology for it, and have the huge industry to pay for it instead of using that industry for something else more useful (still weighing their choices)). The limits we put on wonders and EQs is different because they are only that powerful when they are unique, If they are more common there would be nothing special about them to make them powerful.

What about adding like an event for when you build too much Tunnels on the same mountain chain?

Something like:

"Recently you have been digging a lot X Mountains, and your engineers are suggesting you to stop: If you go on like this you could cause a landslide. What do you do?

  • Continue anyway (some Tunnels that you have built may be destroyed, causing a negative effect on the city)
  • Increase funds for infrastructure security (-X Money on every Tunnel in your empire)
  • Stop the construction (it doesn't happen anything, if you were building a Tunnel the construction will be destroyed)"

Like It.

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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 3:04:59 PM
Romani0 wrote:
What I am trying to say is, players should have the freedom to do what they want in their territories as long as they have the cost for it (Even if they remove the whole mountain as long as it is in their territory, they have the technology for it, and have the huge industry to pay for it instead of using that industry for something else more useful (still weighing their choices)). The limits we put on wonders and EQs is different because they are only that powerful when they are unique, If they are more common there would be nothing special about them to make them powerful.

What about adding like an event for when you build too much Tunnels on the same mountain chain?

Something like:

"Recently you have been digging a lot X Mountains, and your engineers are suggesting you to stop: If you go on like this you could cause a landslide. What do you do?

  • Continue anyway (some Tunnels that you have built may be destroyed, causing a negative effect on the city)
  • Increase funds for infrastructure security (-X Money on every Tunnel in your empire)
  • Stop the construction (it doesn't happen anything, if you were building a Tunnel the construction will be destroyed)"
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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 2:43:23 PM

How about this: When one player uses their industry to build more tunnels against their enemy, their enemy can build more garrisons and armies to fortify these points. Still no need to limit it in that scenario. Especially if the tunnels already give a penalty like rivers and they still limit the advances of the armies along that tunnel.

What I am trying to say is, players should have the freedom to do what they want in their territories as long as they have the cost for it (Even if they remove the whole mountain as long as it is in their territory, they have the technology for it, and have the huge industry to pay for it instead of using that industry for something else more useful (still weighing their choices). Ofc. there is no realistic technology to remove mountains, I am just giving an extreme example to show my point). The limits we put on wonders and EQs is different because they are only that powerful when they are unique, If they are more common there would be nothing special about them to make them powerful.

I do not object to them being limited to one per mountain chain, I'm just wondering if it is really a requirement.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 2:19:45 PM

It would be for military logistic balance. Limiting the Tunnel just to once per mountain chain gives you the bonus to traverse mountains, but you have to place it in a very clever place. If you want to invade your enemy and you have 3 Tunnels it will be extremly hard for him to defend. (anyway, you should be able to have on the same mountain chain both a Tunnel and a Pass)

In few words: limiting their number gives the player less advantage for rushing technology (the current late game meta), forcing him to weigh his choices. (I would like to remind that this is a game of strategy, not just one of "research like a crazy". I would not like to sound unpleasant, but, at least, this is my opinion.)

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2 years ago
Jan 15, 2023, 12:49:28 PM

Why exactly do you want to limit their number or increase their costs? If you can pay for them, just build them all you need.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 13, 2023, 1:27:39 PM

I like this idea a lot and would be okay with 1 per territory or exponential costs.

Anything that can change the landscape in a meaningful way, I'm a fan of.


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2 years ago
Jan 5, 2023, 6:21:25 PM

This made me think of something: should the Strait and the Pass count respectivly, other than land tiles, also as water and mountain tiles for bonus purposes? In that case they should not have their base yields, but be modified by the infrastructures.

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