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Economy Balances! + Option to choose Purple Stars/Gold when Researched

PopulationTerritories ManagementEconomy

2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 2:20:08 PM

So I'm not exactly sure which ones they are but I know this, the technology that takes away the ability to choose to sacrifice a unit to speed up building, that's a punishment, if I have a huge population and no Gold, I would absolutely NOT mind sacrificing a population to complete a building 5 days faster. Also your scaling of the cost of things as the game goes on isn't quite balanced. For instance, I can make 200g/turn but to finish this building in 3 days it costs 10k. That relates to 50 turns worth of Gold. Or.... I can spend 2 population, which I can get in... 1 Turn.... So, yeah some definite balances should be put in the game. Also The upgrade that allows you to use Gold instead of (sorry i forgot what they're called right now) The Purple stars, that's absolutely GREAT! Except.... I am now forced to use only gold, and If I'm low on gold but still have purple stars.... Then it becomes a punishment that I just invested in :( You should code it to allow us to use either. :)

Updated a month ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 26, 2023, 10:38:09 AM

1) the inherit land civic choice substitutes money ($$) for influence (the purple star thing) for actions regarding buying or attaching territories. it does NOT substitute for money when it comes to influence being used to buy new civics or unlocking the ability to build new Cultural Wonders, so influence continues to matter in the game beyond just piling it up for the purpose of acquiring up to 3 eras stars per era

I agree that inherit land civic is very powerful, but for that very reason I always look forward to adopting this civic when it becomes available in the medieval era

2) there is a mod


that (copying from its self description) 'changes the money buyout costs from a complicated formula to 3.5 times the amount of industry left to build the unit, district or infrastructure. In addition, it also buffs population buyout to have it scale with every Pop Slot, not only Workers.' 

this mod makes its much easier to use money to buy items in your city building queue

Updated 2 years ago.
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