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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 1:16:36 AM

War academy, a building that after completion gives a chance every turn of producing a General unit. A General unit would be similar to a prowler, or spy and could give a small bonus to any army it is apart of, and has three charges that may be used to give special orders, once the special orders are used the general is removed from play. Special orders  should be the most powerful use of this unit these could be for example "Force march" move a army a second third or fourth time, "flank attack" allows an army to attack free for one, two, or three rounds, "Undermine fortifications" allows an army to destroy up to three sections of wall "Rally support" allows the General unit increase war support by some amount for each special order. Or the special orders may used to contribute to finishing a wonder or improvments or gain diplomatic leverage or go to research if you are not at war.

any way thats my idea and I think its pretty OK really

Updated 13 days ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 26, 2023, 10:33:38 AM

since we are lifting ideas from the Civ series of games, why not have an option to combine the general with the army to give the game itself a combat bonus in addition to just the sum of the individual units. my memory is this option was in both Civ 3 and Civ 4

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2 years ago
Jan 26, 2023, 4:55:21 PM

Please read my entire reply as you didnt read the original post 

Look yeah they were in civ and if you would care to read the entire post I  did suggest "combine the general with the army to give the game itself a combat bonus in addition to just the sum of the individual units". 

But I suppose where I think my idea was different was  

"War academy, a building that after completion gives a chance every turn of producing a General unit". Civilization didnt have this

"has three charges that may be used to give special orders, once the special orders are used the general is removed from play. Special orders  should be the most powerful use of this unit these could be for example "Force march" move a army a second third or fourth time, "flank attack" allows an army to attack free for one, two, or three rounds, "Undermine fortifications" allows an army to destroy up to three sections of wall "Rally support" allows the General unit increase war support by some amount for each special order." again  Civilization didnt have this 

I never knew posting ideas had to be completely original or as the definition of said original idea is genius, I would also say humankind has already lifted plenty of ideas fron the Civilization series already. And as there are few genius ideas floating about on video game forums these days I think this idea is as good as any at the moment. 

But maybe you would like to share your completely new original genius idea with us all?

But since we are being asshats could you at the least be a competent asshat 

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2 years ago
Feb 3, 2023, 5:20:52 PM

I like the idea of a general unit, which is weak itself but makes the army stronger (+2 combat strength maybe?).

I would suggest the following passives might be a simpler implementation instead of the actives, which makes it easier for the AI to also benefit. Instead of an active use as long as the general is attached:

1. Force march - increases the movement of all units in the army by +1 (general itself has 6 base movement like cav but buffs itself to 7)

2. Flank attack - removes dug-in or defender status on first turn (this one might be a bit overpowered!) 

3. Undermine fortifications - increases the speed at which siege weapons are built 

4. Rally support - gives +1 war score per turn (before and during wars)

5. Ambush - gives stealth to the whole army if they don't move at all (this one might be a bit overpowered!)


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