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trade routes

Trade Routes

2 years ago
Mar 8, 2023, 12:59:56 PM

The game often fails to save trade routes from looting for a long time. I propose to divide the purchase of resources and trade routes. The purchase of the resource will be possible after the purchase of trade routes in certain territories. 

This allows you to: 

1. Create safer paths.

2. Do not stop the purchase of a resource if a trade route has been looted in one territory and there is an alternative route in neighboring territories.

 I think this is an interesting idea.

Updated 7 days ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 8, 2023, 10:06:56 PM

I support the idea, it makes it more important to have control/influence in key territories to preserve trade routes. Likewise, it opens new diplomatic lines, as the possibility or not of having to establish one's own commercial route would influence the decision to buy from the source or from a reseller, which at the moment is indifferent.

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