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2 years ago
Apr 13, 2023, 9:56:53 AM

Unfortunately, not much attention is paid to the disasters in Humankind, although they have a significant impact on humanity. How would a player deal with a volcanic eruption that makes their city uninhabitable? Or with a man-made disaster, such as a failed nuclear weapons test? How would Empires react to such a catastrophe? Would they perhaps use faith to make sense of it all, or stick to science after all? These are all questions that cannot be answered in Humankind at this time.  




New culture orientation: Resilience  


This is the alignment to anticipate disasters. If you activate it, you can see for the next “X” turns where a natural disaster will happen. And warn the population at the same time.   


Cultures with this alignment:  


Ancient Era: The Minoans  


Game orientation: Resilience  


Trait: Reconstruction: The nation receives a bonus to its ability to quickly and effectively rebuild damaged infrastructure.  




Classic Era: The Chinese  


Game Direction: Resilience  


Trait: Crisis Management: The nation receives a bonus to its ability to respond quickly and effectively to natural disasters and other crises.  




Medieval Era: India  


Game Direction: Resilience  


Trait: Disaster Research: The nation receives a bonus to its ability to develop new technologies and solutions to disasters.  




Early Modern Era: Sweden  


Game Direction: Resilience  


Trait: Population Growth: This nation have a bonus to their ability to quickly build new settlements and infrastructure to evacuate or care for populations. For example, they could build roads or emergency shelters more quickly.  




Industrial Era: Canada  

Game focus: Resilience  

Trait: Humanitarian Aid: The nation receives a bonus to their ability to help other empires and populations in crisis situations. Which in turn gives them special bonuses.  



Contemporary Era: New Zealand  

Game orientation: Resilience  

Trait: Innovative disaster management: new technologies to predict disasters, research faster.  




New Cultural Wonders:  


- Taj Mahal, Early Modern.  

- St. Mark's Cathedral, Late Antiquity/Middle Ages  

- Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, present day  




New natural wonders:  


-Barringer Crater  

-Lake Taupo  

- Mount St. Helens  

-Great African Rift Valley  




New Units:  


Disaster Response Force: this unit could have the ability to repair buildings and infrastructure to minimize damage from disasters  


Disaster Engineer: this is the evolution of the “Disaster Response Force”. This could be capable of forming devices against incoming disasters. Or destroy these devices at other empires.  




New District:  


Sanctuary: The Sanctuary is a district that not only serves as a refuge for citizens, but also evolves over the eras into a defense system against natural disasters. In the course of the epochs, new technologies are researched, such as weather satellites or earthquake gauges, etc… Through which one learns, for example, 2–3 rounds earlier of a disaster. In addition, later in the present, for example, it can take on the appearance of a bunker. And thus also offer protection against rockets and atomic bombs. 






Natural Disasters:  


- Earthquakes (Destroys infrastructure, and could leave craters in the landscape).  

- Tsunamis (could raise the sea level, in a city, for a short time)  

- Tornadoes (destroy everything, infrastructure, landscapes, etc.)  

- Forest fires (could cause fires, could be extinguished by Disaster Response Force)  

- Droughts (Could make landscapes barren for a short time)  

- Meteoroid impacts (could turn a terrain into a crater)  

- Volcanic Eruptions (would have to add volcanoes first). Could be tactically interesting, if a player places his city next to a volcano or not.  



Man-made disasters:  


- Failed nuclear weapons test (Could lower stability in the empire, and radiate the area extensively).  

- Nuclear power plant explodes (Could lower stability in the empire, and radiate the area over a small area). 



New Diplomacy Options: 


Can now intervene when another empire is in the midst of a revolution or involved in a war with another empire. 

Can now predict disasters by discovering them through espionage from other empires. 


Disaster button: 


Can now offer humanitarian aid or accept refugees. 

Can now request shelters from other empires. 

Can now request disaster predictions. 


Agreement button: 


Exchange of disaster information. 

Narrative events could be, for example, the Tunguska event. 


Of course, I have not listed all implementations for such a DLC. Logically, I can't either, but I would be happy if you would consider the approaches mentioned here. Thank you for reading and have a nice day. 

Updated 5 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 15, 2023, 7:16:05 AM

I'm not too fond of the proposed 'Resilience' culture alignment as an idea, personally. I would love to see Canada, New Zealand, and feel I could enjoy the 'disaster response' ideas you've proposed, though (particularly the meaningful humanitarian aid and such).

I will add that there is a Taj Mahal wonder, at present, in the Early Modern era and that Sanctuary is already used as a term in the early game for animal spawns, so it might be good to revisit the idea of the name, and the possibility of it being an infrastructure instead.

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2 years ago
Aug 24, 2023, 9:21:52 PM

While I do not agree with your use of a Resilience culture, I agree with your thoughts of adding natural disasters like effects to the game. I believe there are concerns for aging nuclear plants already implemented at the time or writing, but I would like to see some more visual effects on the world map. For example, I want to see more volcanos, natural thermal springs, and random rainstorms. I think adding rainstorms would be an interesting mechanic. The muddy battle groups it create can slow enemy movement and reduce damage and visibility range. Districts that are damaged for flooded due to volcanos or rainstorms, hurricanes, tornados, and rivers, could require a special unit to repair them or lose its yields for a certain amount of time. I do feel like the pollution mechanic does need some improvement as increase pollution could lead to climate change, cause sea level to rise and remove low land costal tiles. Following this train of thought, it would be interesting to add infrastructure like flood barriers or gates that you could see to prevent costal tiles from being lost within your empire due to rising sea levels like in the Netherlands. If anyone would like to add more thoughts about this line of thinking, please reply below.

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