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More Congress Choices


2 years ago
Apr 29, 2023, 4:05:41 PM

I believe that diplomatic power should be added to the mechanics of Congress. Soft power should actively influence players. For example, if a very aggressive expansionist state's war arises from a crisis, we can force it to vote for white peace. Another example is that we can impose a joint embargo on a state or make it open its trade to everyone. We can also force a state that produces too many soldiers to have a limit based on the size of its territory. We could compel a state that produces excessive pollution to close their polluting buildings, meaning the building would remain but it would no longer produce anything. After the use of atomic bombs, we can add a ban on their production. If they are produced after the ban, this can be considered a reason for war. Or we can decide to return a land belonging to a different culture to its original culture. In this way, we can put pressure on the other country only through diplomacy. Some decisions, such as pollution production, can be presented to the Congress with predetermined rounds of objection (such as 10-15 rounds) and try to pass them through a vote. This way, the polluting buildings will be active. In this way, we can actively feel the influence of Congress on the player, rather than just benefiting from numerical bonuses. 

Decisions with options like the examples I gave could be made to make the congress more actively influencing players. All of what I suggested seems like it could be adapted to the current voting and war declaration system in the game. Session Leader would be elected in turn and select one of the options I suggest, and this option would be put to a vote. The decision could pass or fail. The same mechanics can be used, but diplomatic decisions like the ones I mentioned can make diplomacy have an active impact in the game. 

Updated 6 days ago.
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2 years ago
Apr 29, 2023, 6:05:50 PM

+1. I also think that the empire with a "ban" on building units should have the possibility to refuse it, generating automatically a demand to the empires who imposed it (or something similar)

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a year ago
Nov 19, 2023, 4:17:14 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:

+1. I also think that the empire with a "ban" on building units should have the possibility to refuse it, generating automatically a demand to the empires who imposed it (or something similar)

I agree. Like in real world, World Congress decisions should not be binding. A player should be able to refuse it and suffer consequences.

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