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Improve the Persona mechanic (customizability, accessibility and gameplay)

GUILobbyMultiplayerPersonas and Avatar

2 years ago
May 10, 2023, 5:04:49 PM

Hey guys, here's a quick list of suggestion that aim to improve the persona mechanic that, since the launch of the game, it didn't receive any update

  • Give us more options to customize our persona (ex: add glasses, more hats, maybe add piercings and, please, more cultures related things to add details to our personas... something like bandannas, scarves, Fez Ushanka or other similar things...)
  • Give us the option to have more than one persona
  • Give us the option to play against one of our persona
  • Improve the Personas section of Amplifiers (ex: add the option to vote other personas and to add them a brief description)
  • It would be nice to have a short description also of the base game personas (ex: when and where [Agamemnon, Seramitis... or who other] lived and how they became famous for)
  • Give us the option to set a favourite culture for our persona (ex: Agamemnon will have an higher probabilty to choose the Myceneans)
  • Give us some "tools" to read easily the playstyles of personas (ex: give a certain colour to certain boosts...)

Feel free to add any other suggestion in the comments below

Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.

         Thank you for your support :)

Updated 13 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 11, 2023, 8:20:29 AM

Yeah, currently the Personas mechanic is quite underwhelming. It has a lot of potential, but it playes a very little role in role-playing or in promoting the application from the player of different playstyles in order to counter the different AI traits. From this point of view, this is covered from the big shadow that twitch drops extend.

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a year ago
Jan 27, 2024, 10:46:39 AM

I would love to see this feature.

A lot of players complain that the personas do not feel unique like in other 4x games.

There are more peronas to play against, but this does not adress the real problem.

This solution on the other hand would really tackle this issue.
I also would love to set the prefered symbols or maby even the civics they prefere to choose

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14 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 3:29:17 AM
Interesting idea! Increased character customization would add depth. Accessibility is key – consider different options for perception. On the gameplay side, organically integrating objects into skill checks would be great. Perhaps Top Cloud vendors could even provide AI-driven tools to dynamically generate characters based on player choices, making each playthrough unique. More variety in objects is needed. ​
Updated 14 days ago.
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