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Limit Districts by Population


2 years ago
May 12, 2023, 6:28:21 AM

District spam is perhaps the biggest problem with Humankind’s current balance.  Builder cultures are overpowered because there is no limit to how much you can build aside from the industrial output. Makers grant unlimited perpetuation because of their industry and stability is very easy to counter with unlimited commons quarters.

The solution to this issue would be to limit the amount of districts that can be built by how many population a city has. This would help solve another big problem, that being that food is a borderline useless resource beyond the first few population that a city has. Limiting industry heavy culture by their food output and making food a true necessity for massive cities  is necessary to fix the balance of Humankind’s current state. It is perhaps the most necessary function which was removed in the early OpenDevs, which is a surprise since it’s a feature mirrored in both Civ 6 and in Endless Legend.

Updated 6 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 12, 2023, 5:28:31 PM

I support the idea, if the districts indirectly depend on other resources, the explosion of maker districts would be solved 

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