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[Civic] Free Gun Laws

IdeologiesNarrative EventsCultures

2 years ago
May 17, 2023, 5:18:32 PM

Implement free gun laws civic in the game that will increase the damage output of militias or citi defenders in the modern/contemporary era. Along with the opposite of it, which is strict gun laws civic.

Free gun laws: 

  1. increase damage to the city defenders or militias
  2. decreases the city or overall empire/country's stability

Strict gun laws:

  1. increases empire/country's stability

Updated a month ago.
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2 years ago
May 18, 2023, 11:57:32 PM

It would be an interesting civic, but with the excess of stability that we have in recent ages, the disarmament option would be useless

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2 years ago
May 20, 2023, 12:22:30 PM

Sounds good, but I think the debate is better portrayed as armed populace vs policed populace, both of which are intended to improve stability. Something like +2 militia CS and +1 Stability per Pop on armed populace vs +5stability and +1 additional bonus CS on Garrison on policed populace seems better. 

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2 years ago
Jun 26, 2023, 3:32:16 AM
Atens7 wrote:

It would be an interesting civic, but with the excess of stability that we have in recent ages, the disarmament option would be useless

I'm all for the late game having high stability but right now it's to the point where even if you wanted a city to be low stability it would be impossible, you could build endless districts with no repercussions thanks to all the tech and infrastructure bonuses.

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