- Pacificst badge should be removed when starting a war, sieging and ransacking.
- Withdraw demand should give the enemy war support and reduce yours.
- There should be a visual indication when cliffs are climable after placing a district.
- There should be a cap to war support gain/loss from territories influenced.
- During war you should get -1 ongoing war support from your opponent having 100/100 war support.
- Licensed Emblamatic units should be able to be upgraded to the Emblamatic unit of the same type.
- When upgrading units give the choice of upgrading to the standard variant or the emblamatic variant.
- Give the option to upgrade a full army at once.
- Defying the wishes of the congress should give a heavier war support penalty.
Competitive Deeds
- The first to build an Embassy should get a deed
- The first to conquer a city should get a deed
- You should get a deed for every empire you eliminate.
The first one is a big grievance for me. I've had multiple times where the AI declares an unjust war against me and against the wishes of the congress while having a pacifist badge, which causes me to lose war support.
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