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Play as a Team with other Player / IA

Game optionsLobbyMultiplayer

2 years ago
May 25, 2023, 3:57:55 PM

I don't find anybody else that has posted this in the "Ideas" section, so maybe I am the only one to want this ( that would be very surprising ), but there should be the possibility to play as a team with player(s) or with IA(s), with a common Glory Point Pot for the team. And this should be available in Offline AND Online games.

Updated 34 minutes ago.
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2 years ago
May 27, 2023, 6:03:47 PM

I think there was some mention of the systems being geared poorly toward implementing something like this, but it is a commonly requested feature and I would love to see it implemented, too.

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a year ago
Sep 11, 2023, 12:44:38 AM

There was a mod for this that people loved. Someone had done all the work already to figure it out. The owner of the mod stopped updating and supporting. I am working on learning how to mod so I can import their last version and see if I can update it. I really would love it if they would actually support this though. 

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