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Add "colonialism, satellite states" mechanism

Narrative EventsDiplomacy

2 years ago
May 26, 2023, 9:38:03 PM

you could try to add different types of vassal system, such as colonized state, satellite state. add new civics to give vassal some advantages when rebelling against its overload. For example,  when the vassal state enters the contemporary modern period, it could trigger the decolonization civic, giving it some units production bonuses to start the war. Or unlock special units, like gorilla fighters.  This would make the end-game more challenging, fun and contextualized. 

Updated 3 days ago.
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2 years ago
May 27, 2023, 9:15:33 AM

Also will be cool if there were some special treaties between vassal and liege that provide additional bonuses and penalties, so liege could choose between getting less benefit from vassal, but they benefit both empires, or get huge amount of benefit but oppress the vassal by penalties

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2 years ago
May 27, 2023, 6:02:35 PM

Different subcategories of vassals and ways of vassalising cultures would be really interesting and add a lot of flavour to the game, maybe more war support is generated by more lucrative options for the liege, whereas less is generated by the less intrusive options, it could also make the placation of your vassal (with the diplomatic system from the expansion) an interesting way to mitigate smaller costs with regards to such a system.

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2 years ago
Jun 1, 2023, 10:54:48 PM

Good idea. Only instead of specialized units it could be a bonus to stealth units. I also think vassals should only be able to research technologies their liege alread has. It doesn't make sense for a vassal to be more technologically advanced than their liege. Similarly lieges should get a tech boost to techs previously researched by their vassal.

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