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Religious Cultures


2 years ago
Jun 26, 2023, 3:15:51 AM

If this game gets an overhaul to religion I hope they add unique affinities to go along with them with cultures like the Papal States for the Medieval Era or Saudi Arabia for the Contemporary era. If this update revamped the way followers worked so that having more followers has more purpose past getting the max number of tenets they could implement new ways to get use out of both you own citizens and foreign followers, calling foreign followers to arms, tithes, pilgrimages, being able to build holy sites in other cultures cities, building missions and sending missionaries, sharing tenets the list is endless and would add a manageable level of complexity to the game.

Updated 21 days ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 8, 2023, 3:30:26 PM

Religious cultures suggestions :

  • Ancient Era: Hebrews
  • Classical Era: Armenians (First Christian state)
  • Medieval Era: Vaticanian or Vaticano (representing the Papal States) or Tibetans (Tibetan Empire) or Georgians or Khazars (people from the Pontic Steppe that might have been jewish)
  • Early Modern Era: Bohemians (Western Christian Reformation with their Hussite movement) or Lithuanians (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was vast and religiously diverse)
  • Industrial Era: Sikh/Punjabi (Sikh Empire)
  • Contemporary Era: Saudi Arabs or Iranians or Israeli

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 25, 2023, 8:26:48 AM

These are some top tier suggestions, I was struggling to think of cultures outside of the two I listed

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