By the time the late game rolls around the need for stability improving districts and infrastructures becomes pointless with even the bonuses provided by civics to garrisons and commons quarters are next to useless. It feels weird to have cities in the late game that don't need sewage treatment plants or hospitals when your people are supposed to be in the far future.
I can get why these infrastructures provide stability but the fact you can just go without building them the entire game feels unnatural, I know a sanitation/health mechanic would be a lot but given how things like sanitation, disease and injury play a massive roll in history it makes sense that the health of your citizens plays a bigger factor. Maybe hospitals could increase the rate at which units heal in your cities or treatment plants could help mitigate the chances of diseases spreading in either its own new gameplay system or just a new set of random events.
Sower Chief
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Sower Chief
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