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"Lungs of the Planets" new idea.


2 years ago
Jul 1, 2023, 4:43:57 AM

If you take a look at the international news featuring negotiations between Brazil and the G7, you're gonna see that one of the major requests asked to the South American country is to preserve the rainforest. So, basically, Brazil is somewhat using its nature as a way to levarege its influence on the global politics. I think this should be represented in the game. The current state of Brazil's LT is too generic and its EQ is essentially a Farmers Quarter on steroids. I think Brazil's LT should concern preservation of its forests and wilderness in general and it should earn diplomatic favor/levarage from it.

On the other hand, if you're planning to launch an expasion addressing global warming, I do believe Brazil's LT should be completaly tailored to this new game mechanics, and probably it would also present some diplomatic levarage, but also something that would impact on how the climate and the preservation of the species impact on the peoples.

Kind regards from São Paulo, Brazil.

Updated 7 days ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2023, 3:33:11 PM

I have always thought the pollution mechanic and planting trees was something that should be interwoven! As you said, countries ALREADY pay other countries to preserve their rainforests. Just a possible addition, would you think there is room for a nature reserve kind of mechanic where they provide -pollution/turn on the EQ? Maybe making their LT something that generates as you said, money/leverage/influence based on negative pollution generated/turn?

Infinitely cooler than just +% food income, super cool idea!

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2023, 5:11:53 PM


In the current state of the game, Brazil's LT could provide an amount of levarage per untouched forests and other natural features in the game. Maybe those could also provide FIMS if Brazils build a EQ in that territory.  I still think that there is room for reworking pollution, global warming, preserving nature in a future Expansion with new mechanics as well.

Updated 2 years ago.
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