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Contested territory mechanic (allow rival outposts on unattached territories)

MilitaryDiplomacyTerritories ManagementIndependent People

2 years ago
Jul 7, 2023, 1:52:53 PM
  1. Players are now allowed to found an outpost in any non-attached territory, even if there is already an outpost present. This generates a grievance.
  2. Any territory with more than one outpost is considered "contested"
  3. Players cannot have 2 owned outpost in a given region
  4. Outpost cannot be relocated nor attached if the territory is contested
  5. District cannot be bought with influence in contested territory
  6. Ransacking (destroying) all rival outposts removes the contested status (and allow for immediate annexation via attaching/promoting to a city)
  7. DMZ on a contested territory allows all players having an outpost to move, but attacks generate greivances.
  8. Influence cost to contest a territory (creating an outpost when a rival one already exists) increases with the number of outpost and proximity to the nearest rival outpost. This should prevent "spamming".
  9. Independant people may spawn in contested territories. Their lair may improve into an outpost (that contests the territory) and then in a city if all other outposts are destroyed. This make such independant people rather aggressive in thsi context. Gifting a "contested" outpost to them will yield a reduced bonus.
  10. Outposts in contested territories suffer stability issues and may revolt. Revolting outposts may become Independant People.
  11. Diplomatic affinity cultures can broker a deal between rivals over a contested territory, earning them leverage. Rejecting the deal will trigger grievances for the diplomat player. Terms of the deal involves gold, leverage, territory swap, takes into account cultural+religious dominance, population size, military presence, proximity to capital, etc.
  12. Militarist and Expansionist cultures should have bonuses (defensive and offensive) when fighting in contested territories. For example, Expansionnist should have a bonus to ransacking rival outposts to compensate the fact that they can't use their Under one banner ability (as it would grant them 2 outposts in the same territory).
  13. Maintaining an outpost in a contested territory requires an influence upkeep. May not apply to militarist (nor expansionnist) cultures.
  14. Spies could have the ability to setup a lair (hideout) in rival annexed territory. It could spawn partisans/rebels at the cost of leverage+gold until destroyed. Hideouts would incur an influence+gold upkeep.
  15. New civics related to contested territories (lower the cost of creating rival outposts, boost military might in contested territories, etc) would be added.
  16. Non-aggression pacts prevents the creation of rival outposts, but existing ones remain.
  17. Cannot offer alliance to someone sharing a contested territory with you. Allying with someone contesting a territory with another ally generates a grievance.
  18. "Humanitarian aid" agreement could apply to population in an outpost being disbanded (including in contested territory).
Updated 2 months ago.
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a year ago
Nov 19, 2023, 4:08:03 PM

Nice idea! I was just in a game in which my units could not reach my opponent's outpost in time before it was built. Once built, it was immediatly attached, so I could no longer easily destroy it. I wish I could use my units to found my own outpost instead.

Maybe Expansionist cultures could use Under one banner ability in any outpost of the constested territory in order to make it their own and destroy the others (make it take longer according to the number of outposts). Also, I think one should not be able to found an outpost in an unattached territory belonging to an expansionist culture.

Updated a year ago.
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