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[TWR] The cost of cancelling civic


2 years ago
Jul 16, 2023, 6:30:46 AM

Applying civic forced by Congress shouldn’t be cancelled by default cost. Either, this game mechanic doesn’t make sense, cause you can just cancel Congress action and take back your civic at the same turn you have forced to pick it.

Updated a month ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 17, 2023, 9:53:13 AM

It doesn't make it totally pointless, it just comes down to whether a player will declare war, or spend sometimes  precious Influence on these things. More problematic, I think, may be that AI will always declare war, over accepting the demands of the Congress.

I agree that there need to be some changes, but maybe even more than this. As for civic cancellation, maybe a turn timer could be applied, to add some weight to the acceptance, or something similar. There's no easy fix, in my eyes.

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2 years ago
Jul 17, 2023, 10:34:34 AM

No, I mean the civic that applied after Congress session. You get the cultural osmosis, where you can apply the civic for free or reject by very high cost of influence.

But, the exploit is that you can just accept this civic, go to cultural panel, cancel it for default cost, and apply back your civic. Therefore that osmosis becomes truly pointless… In my suggestion, the default cost of canceling that civic for players who accepted it shall become the same as cost for rejection in the osmosis

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