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Rebalance civics


2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 10:58:28 AM

Notice: This is a repost on the Idea section of a previous thread of mine [Link to the original post]

            The list below is a revisitation of the original effects given in vanilla. I hope you will appreciate my suggestions

Knowledge Authorities

Elders Wisdom: +1 Science per Farmers on City or Outpost (and change the neolithic LT)

Foreign Innovation: +1 Science per number of Trade Routes on City or Outpost 

Foreign Customs

Cultural Eradication: -50% foreign Influence pressure in your territories, Gain a Grievance against empires that have culturally converted one of your Territories

Cultural Respect: +50% Fame earned per Aesthete Era Star

Press Freedom

Freedom of speech: -20% Cost of enacting Civic, -20% Cost of canceling Civic

Propaganda: +3 War Support on every War Support gain/loss

Working Conditions

Workers' Rights: +1 Stability per Worker on City or Outpost, +1 Stability per Farmer on City or Outpost

Profit-Focused: +1 Money per Population on City or Outpost, -1 Stability per Population on City or Outpost

Aristocracy Evolution

Democratic Republic: +3 Science on Commons Quarter per adjacent Research Quarter, +3 Gold on Commons Quarter per adjacent Market Quarter

Oligarchy: -15% on all Money cost 


Small Council: +1 City Cap, Allows to build structures on outposts with Money (even the "move outpost" action)

Autarch: +20% FIMSI on Capital, Allows to build structures on outposts with Influence (until now it should have been possible just the "move outpost" action; resources and buildings, except  the emblematic ones, shouldn't have been possible to build)

Monarchy Power

Constitutional Monarchy: Allows to Buyout Districts with Influence

Absolute Monarchy: Allows to Buyout Units with Influence

Republic Evolution

Democratic Republic: +3 Science on Commons Quarter per adjacent Research Quarter, +3 Gold on Commons Quarter per adjacent Market Quarter 

One-Party State: +5 Stability on Garrison, +1 Detection on Garrison


Secularism: Lose the ability to enforce a State Religion, build new Holy Sites or pick Tenets Become immune to religious Grievances, +1 Gold per Faith

State Atheism: Replace the current State Religion with Atheism Lose the ability to build Holy Sites or pick Tenets All religious Civics are locked and some invested Influence is reimbursed, +1 Science per Faith 

Religious Minorities

Taxed Minorities: +2 Money per Population on City if Territories follow Foreign Religion

Untaxed Minorities: +2 Stability per Population on City if Territories follow Foreign Religion

Scientific Facts

Literalism: +2 Stability on Research Quarter, +2 Faith on Research Quarter 

Compatibilism: +1% Science on Empire per Holy Site if Territories follow State Religion 

Religious Rites

Communal Rites: Unlocks action Procession (+1 Stability and Influence per State Religion Follower on City or Outpost)

Personal Rites: -30% on Religious District Industry cost

Political Influence

Monarchy: Allows to claim Cultural Wonders with Money instead of Influence, 

Aristocracy: Allows to enact Civics with Money instead of Influence

Army Wages

Paid wages: +20 Stability on City that you occupy, +5 Stability on City Center per Unit standing there

Plundered Wages: +5 Combat Strength bonus when Ransacking on Army, Units Regenerate Health when ransacking 

Artistic Expression

Censored Arts: -30% Stability loss per turn on all Cities, -30% Stability gain per turn on all Cities

Free Arts: +2 Influence on Commons Quarter, +5 Stability on Commons Quarter


Customary Laws: -50% on Create Outpost cost

Codified Laws: -30% on Attach Outpost cost, -30% on Absorb City cost

Religious Tolerance

Religious Hostility: +5 Faith on Territories, Adds a new grievance against Empires with a different State Religion.

Open-Minded: Religious District can benefit from other religion's tenets (+2 X on Religious District) if Territories follow Foreign Religion 


Physical Punishment: Expending Population raises Stability una tantum

Forfeiture: -20%  Stability loss per  turn on City or Outpost

Capital Punishment (Physical Punishment)

Lifetime Sentence: +1 Stability on District 

Hard Labor: +1 Industry on Resource Deposit per Workers

Capital Punishment (Forfeiture)

Lifetime Sentence: +1 Stability on District 

Rehabilitation: +1 Food on Resource Deposit per Farmers

Independent Peoples

Fellow Peoples: -50% Cost of signing Treaties with Independent Peoples (and add a new grievance against empires that attack or have relations with a your allied Independent People)

Mercenary Armies: -50% on Hire Army cost (this should count even when buying-out your units with Money or Influence)


War Slaves: +2 Food per Farmers on Victorious City, +2 Industry per Workers on Victorious City 

Criminal Slaves: +3 Industry on Commons Quarter per adjacent Makers Quarter, +3 Food on Commons Quarter per adjacent Farmers Quarter

Note: I kindly remind you that, since 1M pts ideas shall potentially make its addition to the game, an upvote would be really appreciated.

         Thank you for your support :)

Updated 2 hours ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 1:03:51 PM

YES, many civics need to be rebalanced. Maybe not exactly in this way, but many of them now totally useless. Like civic that gives you +1/+1 money/science on common quarter. Even if you have 50 of them (which is VERY huge amount), +50 money/science gives nothing when you have more than 2k of science and 10k of money per turn. And the same thing relates to most of civics. So they totally need rebalance

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 6:38:55 PM

I agree that civics need tweaks, especially those obtained in the late game. But I still see no use in any of the irreligion options.

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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 6:44:10 PM
Atens7 wrote:

I agree that civics need tweaks, especially those obtained in the late game. But I still see no use in any of the irreligion options.

Mh... Do you have any suggestion for them?

For Secularism I was thinking to relate it with Money since, nationalizing all the church properties, the state could earn some money for it. About Atheism I was thinking that the government would have transformed Faith buildings into Science buildings in order to educate the population (but this "excuse" is particularly weak). 

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2023, 2:09:35 PM

I like some of these ideas, I also like some of the ideas in the popular mods (e.g. VIP). Agree that the current implementation is unbalanced or not interesting. 

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