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2 years ago
Aug 1, 2023, 5:59:10 AM

Add more endgame condition besides science and more deeds focusing on other besides science, since right now science is the best way to close game. Not only it's the fastest, but it also produce the most fame via space program, satelites, and all end game tech giving 300 fame each. Meanwhile other culture lack and game ending condition and extra fame generation to make comeback in contemporary era. Only science culture (and turks with their public school) can do that. 

So I propose to add endgame conditions for cultural, mercantile, and diplomatic culture. For example maybe for cultural can be the classic spread your culture across the whole world, with competitive deeds for each empire covered. For mercantile maybe having x amount of gold in bank and for every milestone in contemporary era you get competitive deeds. For diplomatic maybe overhaul the humankind congress and have some sort of game ending voting like manage to convince others to vote for international disarmament, with competitive deeds for managing to push some irreversible change in the congress. For conquest they already have end game condition of vassalizing all other player or elimination, but maybe add competitve deeds for each capital captured. All of this are very rough ideas but anything to make culture besides science focus one to close game and to match science fame generation via their project.

Updated 10 days ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 3, 2023, 10:16:43 AM

It would be nice to have some victories/playstyles to have more support to feel like you are trying to win the game rather than just existing and thriving in a way that isn't conducive to that.

I definitely see merit in some of these ideas, there could be Fame awarded for feats such as becoming unvassalised, too, and other means to reward players for surviving attempts by others to win the game.

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2 years ago
Aug 4, 2023, 3:48:48 AM
Thighs wrote:

It would be nice to have some victories/playstyles to have more support to feel like you are trying to win the game rather than just existing and thriving in a way that isn't conducive to that.

I definitely see merit in some of these ideas, there could be Fame awarded for feats such as becoming unvassalised, too, and other means to reward players for surviving attempts by others to win the game.

Agreed. After thinking a few days here's some ideas for specific culture since right now only scientific has real game closing conditions with actual reward (conquest doesn't give any extra fame)

Expansionist and militarist:

-Competitive deeds for owning a whole continent (vassal teritory counts for this)

-Competitive deeds for every original capital taken and kept after peace negotiation

-Competitive deeds for every wonder captured and pillaged (more like infamy, but your name will still be remembered in history)

The pillaging wonder is actually inspired by the narrative event already in the game about notre dame. You can get fame but lose money or gain money but no fame. What about you make wonder built by other empire have that decision too? keep it and it's benefits, or burn it and make others remember you and maybe fear you.


-Having an empire gobbled to your sphere of influence

- Be the first to reach religion 4

-Spread your religion to another empire

-Remain religious in contemporary era
most importantly:

-Special civics once you reach contemporary era that costs enormous amount of influence that give fame (aesthete equivalent of end game tech)

Unlocking all special civics allow aesthete culture to close the game.


-Having the first client state in the world

-While playing as diplomatic culture, gain fame (50) for every time you side with the majority in humankind congress

-endgame condition for diplomatic culture: manage to propose 4 irreversible changes to the humankind congress. these 4 changes are:

1st: Still thinking

2nd: Still thinking

3rd: Formation of global peacekeepers (unsanctioned wars now are met with coalition warfare with all empire)

4th: Permanent general disarmament. 

This will be diplomatic equivalent of end game tech

Tbh with mercantile and builder is a bit hard for me.

With builder I felt like the space race are actually meant for them, but scientific one gobbles it up

With mercantile it's hard to think of the end game tech equivalent. Perhaps an even better version of manufactory where you own all node of that resource via trade or direct ownership can work.

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