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Visual little Boats, Planes and merchant caravans on trade Routes

GUITrade RoutesTerritories ManagementExploration

2 years ago
Aug 12, 2023, 4:40:02 PM

One of the best things that this game has are the beautiful details that the map offers. Playing I noticed that you could see little trains, wagons and cars moving around the map, which increased its density as population grew. I think it is an awesome detail.

Wouldn't it be possible, now that the next update is going to improve the visualization of trade routes to add also merchant boats on those routes? It would be beautiful to have small sailboats moving between ports at the start of the game, and later on as more and more routes open up more traffic is shown. Would love to see litte steamboats moving through the ocean to symbolyze international trade on the industrial era. it would be a great graphic detail and would indicate where the trade routes are without the need of opening the trade screen.

Also, for land trade routes across unclaimed lands (or without roads) it would be cool to see little merchant caravans moving between nodes too.

Updated 6 days ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 17, 2023, 1:28:19 PM

Agreed! I think the level of detail in land terrain is great but I miss seeing boats and sailing ships along oceanic trade routes. This would be awesome to have

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