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Arquebusiers / Musketeer / Line infantry rework


2 years ago
Aug 17, 2023, 12:36:32 AM


I would like to suggest a rework in the Arquebusiers / Musketeer / Line infantry sequence and role.

Preface: this game basically lacks of 18th century warfare: Early modern era covers very good the reinassance period and, generally, everything between 15th and 17th century but the industrial age basically throws you in late 19th century.

Concept: improve game transition between early-gunpowder warfare and gunpowder-only warfare by adding only one unit and probably 1-2 tech (not covered here). Adding a whole "Enlightment era" is out of scope at the current state of the game.

My suggestion: 

1) Arquebusiers and Musketeer, in this game, are basically the same unit: same attributes and same role (with the latter of course stronger).

Make Arquebusiers a ranged (and not a gunner), leave "move or fire" but add "suppression" or any other new ability that "scares/confuse" the enemy. 

Remove the ability to "dug-in" with entrenching tools.

Also remove the upgrade from crossbowman.

By doing this you will have a unit that can fight along side crossbowmen for a small portion of the game with a bit different role.

Crossbowmen and Arquibusier will then both upgrade to Musketeer.

2) Musketeer will be the first "real" gunner unit and (like the unit image suggests) will represent 16th century musketeers like the one that fought English Civil War. 

They will need Halberdiers (as in this game Reinassance Pikemen are not present, except for swiss emblematic unit) in armies to deal with shock cavalry (medieval one at the current state of game as there's no melee cavalry in early modern era except from Winged Ussars). 

Remove the ability to "dug-in" with entrenching tools.

3) Line Infantry need to be (at least) visually changed to 18th century/Napoleonic infantry.

Remove the ability to "dug-in" with entrenching tools.

Add some bonus against cavalry

Add some malus againts artillery fire.

4) Old "line infantry" visuals need to be used for a new "Riflemen*" unit used in late industrial era.

They can dug-in.

Add some bonus against cavalry.

They can now rapresent 19th infantry.

* Contemporary era Unit "rifles" should be ranamed in "Modern Infantry" or simply "Infantry".

Updated 10 days ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 4, 2023, 12:24:10 PM

I can't agree more with your proposal. You have covered most changes I would like to propose about early modern infantry. Glad to see people also interested in early modern warfare. But of course, there were some points I think we could discuss about in another day. (such as additional era and early modern melee infantry)  


I believe it wouldn’t be fair to establish an independent era like enlightenment alone. After all, it does belong to the early modern period. For adding or rework era, I actually have a whole new idea. What I was thinking is that we could divide each time period into different ages. ( I must say this is not my original idea, I gain it from paradox game EU4) take early modern for example, we could add “age of discovery” (late15-16th), “age of reformation” (17th), “age of enlightenment/revolution” (18th), each cover one third of the tech in early modern tech tree. 1st and last age serve as transition phase from one era to another.

Melee infantry: 

In my opinion, there is no need to add another spear unite in the mediaeval era, only strengthen it. If must, Halberdiers/Voulgier/bill man should be a late medieval unit rather than an early modern one, Pike man should be the early modern unit consider the fact it was widely used since the 16 -17th century. I’m sure Spanish Tercio mainly consists of pikeman instead of halberdiers. 


Another “bright idea” about cavalry:

I believe cavalry traits should be renewed. All cavalry should provide stability bonus station in the city (MP/gendarme), Heavy cavalry(cuirassier) receive slightly more strength bonus attack on the flank or in the rear, light cavalry(dragoon/hussar) should be able to fire in point blank range (1 or 2 tile) then choose to charge or flee, gaining extra percentage of loot, shorter turns when raiding district.


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2 years ago
Sep 4, 2023, 11:07:21 PM

I agree with you. 

I don't think that a new era is really needed. It was an example to figure where line infantry should but of course is better to have longer eras than a new one.

There are a lot of units that need to be added in this game imho but I wanted to address at least this one without too many changes

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2 years ago
Sep 7, 2023, 8:56:01 PM


Hopefully, one day we shall see a big land battles update similar to the one sea units have just seen (though not so close in time obv... fingers crossed for the new year)

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2 years ago
Sep 16, 2023, 9:50:55 PM
A1y0sh4 wrote:


Hopefully, one day we shall see a big land battles update similar to the one sea units have just seen (though not so close in time obv... fingers crossed for the new year)

I hope so.

The game is cool but there are some clear gaps in unit progression.

Hope to have them fixed soon.

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2 years ago
Sep 17, 2023, 3:06:48 PM

I just had an idea, think it might be worthy of discussion: What do you think about bayonet charge? Trait allow gunner units to conduct melee battles. I knew it wasn't really a necessary change in the game, consider massive bayonet melee battle rarely happened in actual battle, but it is there.

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2 years ago
Sep 25, 2023, 7:41:39 AM
Mark1812 wrote:

I just had an idea, think it might be worthy of discussion: What do you think about bayonet charge? Trait allow gunner units to conduct melee battles. I knew it wasn't really a necessary change in the game, consider massive bayonet melee battle rarely happened in actual battle, but it is there.

thanks for the comment. 

I think your suggestion will broke the concept of "gunner unit" (If I understoo well)

Anyway, imho, bayonet introduction simply made disappear pikemen in armies as musketmen doesn't need them anymore, so his introdution is somehow included in "line formation" tech and the small bonus I proposed against cav.

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