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Limit available Wonders Option


2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 1:17:25 PM

Through the many DLCs and updates, more and more wonders were added. This meant that in games with few players, there was no longer any competition between getting a wonder and having it snatched from under your nose. I think this concept is what makes Humankind so special and I would love to keep it. 


Therefore, I suggest that you introduce a limit of wonders per epoch, which you can set arbitrarily. 

The wonders that are then in the game are then either random or you can select them specifically. 

If you like this idea feel free to upvote it.

Updated 9 days ago.
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2 years ago
Sep 2, 2023, 8:12:35 AM

Heh, I got quite different problem, when in higher difficulties, if you don't have 1 or 2 dlc, you could end game without any built wonder or just 1-2. As AI rushes so much with eras and wonders, it could just steal all points from building wonders. I got already 2 situations when I won the game, but become second on ranking because of these points that AI got from wonders and I don't. But more options are always nice, so this is a good idea.

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