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Defend your Indipendant People City

Independent PeopleDiplomacy

2 years ago
Sep 18, 2023, 8:01:15 AM

Add the possibility to defend your indipendent people city (client state only) from siege by other empires, and add grievances (for stopping the attack and pay some money for example) agains the attackes as soon as they attack, not waiting that the indipendant people have been captured for that (only for client states again).
Maby also constuct a military base or something like that in the city to control the defence if they are attacked ?

Updated 2 months ago.
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a year ago
Nov 19, 2023, 4:25:17 PM

I like the idea of the military base once it is a client state (maybe work like a Garrison? maybe our capital could use it as a spawn point?). I also think we should be able to buy them units once they're at war without generating grievance (paying for their defenses, like powerful countries do in real life).

Updated a year ago.
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