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Highlight resources you don't have in trade screen

EconomyTrade Routes

2 years ago
Sep 25, 2023, 7:52:29 AM


the new trade screen is very usefull as you can easily see what reasource are available to sell by other players.

Why don't highlight the resources you have on the list of tradable resources of other players? 

As-is I need to "manually" check if a resource (expecialy luxury one) is already mine or not and of course buy resources you don't have is stronger than duplicate them (stack bonus are less powerfull than base one)

Updated 12 days ago.
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a year ago
Nov 20, 2023, 8:35:06 PM

Perfect suggestion. Trade is very expensive and most of the time I'm looking for resources I don't have in order to get the diversification effect. I'm also interested in buying more resources from an ongoing trade route.

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