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Neolitic era should last longer

FameTerritories ManagementExplorationCultures

a year ago
Sep 28, 2023, 8:05:26 PM

I do enjoy how certain changes were made so that the players don't rush to the following era as soon as they get 7 stars. The game is way more fun now, and we can enjoy each era longer.

After a run doing it, I felt that the same should happen with the neolitic era. In its current state, it feels like a race. Whoever gets the first star, will automatically choose a culture and move up. I think we could spent more time in the neolitic era, gathering resources, claiming territories, fighting animals, amassing a bigger population number, without being penalized by not racing to the next era. The way the game plays in the following eras, is pretty awesome, I think that the same principle would apply to the neolitic era.

Updated 6 days ago.
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a year ago
Oct 5, 2023, 2:51:35 AM

I agree because it seems like the design intent was to spend longer but in reality, as you say, it's a rush. The intention is shown in several events. One of which depends on the outpost having population - it doesn't have enough time to grow population. I think there's a few other events that don't really have any impact.

And also it's a bit weird when, if a few people move to the next era, it seems the curiosity and animal spawns just stop (is this true?) so you end up wandering an empty map.

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a year ago
Oct 6, 2023, 3:59:47 AM
Dayvit78 wrote:

I agree because it seems like the design intent was to spend longer but in reality, as you say, it's a rush. The intention is shown in several events. One of which depends on the outpost having population - it doesn't have enough time to grow population. I think there's a few other events that don't really have any impact.

And also it's a bit weird when, if a few people move to the next era, it seems the curiosity and animal spawns just stop (is this true?) so you end up wandering an empty map.

Yes! This is true. They stop spamming

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