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let the avatar have different accents or languages based on culture or avatar creation

Personas and AvatarGame options

a year ago
Oct 21, 2023, 12:01:47 AM

ok so i've been playing the game for aboooooout 200-300 hours, and the voices... are really starting to get to me, like wow, they say the same thing over and over and over, and its not even like i've played it for so long that i've heard everything
no i got annoyed by the voices at the 15 hour mark, and by 50 hours i just muted the game and started playing spotify.
there are only 5 personalites in the game and 2 genders for each
and honestly a lot of the female personalitys sound almost the exact same. something that i feel would aid this would be to add accents for certain cultures like the english or french or the scotts, maybe the celts.
and then outright different languages when playing chinese cultures or japanese cultures or south african cultures. i know this would cost a decent penny so i would suggest maybe having a pack for this so everything can have an avatar, not just me, but everyone around the world

Updated 3 days ago.
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a year ago
Dec 25, 2023, 6:09:50 AM

More voicework, and customisation, for the non-streamer Personas is sorely needed.

I would love to be able to select voices separately, preview them, and choose different languages, too.

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a year ago
Dec 29, 2023, 4:42:10 AM

wait they have streamer voices? i didn't even know. apparently they are about to add a wholle lot of folklore avatar to the games, so who knows maybe they decided to this advice, however i didn't see any talks about new voices

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