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A unit that can edit the land/ the ability to have a city make some kind of canal/peninsula

DiplomacyTechnologiesTrade RoutesEconomy

a year ago
Dec 1, 2023, 12:03:27 AM

i would like seeing a unit that can edit the land, like on a downloaded earth map you could open the space between north America and south America, or you could make like a canal/peninsula or something alike (ex. making land to water or adding a river type space that you can send ships through) and you could like charge for people to send a ship trade route through it every time the ship sends one through or if they send a military ship through it would cost extra and out of war they could only have the ship there for limited turns, and you could charge more based on how much the things on board cost (ex. if they have like three iron it'd cost much less than sending one oil or like the iron would cost a bit more than a few luxury resources) and maybe depending on how many tiles you'd skip by using the canal/peninsula you could charge more or less and it could perhaps be a industrial era research to get the unit that does that/be able to have your city construct the canal/peninsula, i hope you consider my suggestion, thank you.

Updated 8 days ago.
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a year ago
Dec 29, 2023, 10:42:36 PM

Yes please, in the game several times on the map there are points or where there is impassable ice but just a hex of land where there could perfectly well be a canal or when they exist on narrow maps that could easily be crossed with a canal


Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Dec 30, 2023, 3:15:10 AM

+1. Maybe not unit per se but more like constructible district. Kinda like how harappans and khmer can make artifical "river" tile, make a canal that act as articial "lake/coastal" tile. 

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