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Rus (Russian Tsardom) culture proposition


a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 7:16:44 PM

Hi and thank you for making this game even more outstanding!
Russian Empire has been depicted in a lot of different historic strategies, with Cossacks and Sobors, but it's predecessor Russian Tsardom has not really been there. (Funny trivia: Russian Tsardom actually means Russian Empire, but to be acknowledged properly in Europe Peter I had to do a "rebranding"). My Idea is to add Rus to the game with it's flavor of following the trail of luxury goods deep into Siberia and selling them into Europe. Which prepared the foundation of formal inclusion of these territories into the Russian Empire later, which is logically followed by the industrial era Russians already in game.

Era: Early Modern

Culture: Russians (Early Modern) (or western term Muscovites if you wish to avoid era labels in culture name)

Affinity Trait: Merchant

Legacy Trait: Siberian riches: +1 resource generation on Luxury Resource extractors and Strategic Resource extractors. +20% Money from resources sold to other Empires.

Emblematic Unit: Streltsi: (43) (4) (4) - Gunner, Bastion. - The backbone of Russian Tsardom army, conscripted for life they received an intense training in fortifying their position on the battlfield and fighting from this fortified position.

Emblematic District: Ostrog: 

+5 Influence on territory if bordering Independent People, 

+2 Combat Strength in combat for units in or adjacent to the District, 

+15 District Fortification, 

+10 Stability, 

+5 Money per Luxury resource extractor in territory, 

+1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost, 

Acts as a Market Quarter and a Garrison for bonuses, 

Does not exploit any resources from below or adjacent tiles, 

Does not require being connected to a Main Plaza or Administrative Center, 

Can be purchased in Outposts using Influence, 

Is a Land Unit Spawn, 

Is fortified. 

- Ostrogs were the forward fortifications during russian colonization of Siberia, being centeres of foreign diplomacy and gathering of "yasak" - tribute collected with luxury resources, like Furs and Jewelry.

Updated 11 days ago.
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a year ago
Jan 19, 2024, 1:19:01 PM

Great idea! May I suggest as well the addition of the medieval Rus' ?

They would fit well too the role of the merchant (but more rivers related)

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a year ago
Jan 19, 2024, 4:02:10 PM

There's no real medieval Rus I think, as Rus was split into several pretty independent prinicipalities.
I can swiftly come up with three basic ideas:
- Novgorod Principality being a merchant culture focused on the Varangian Path (maybe money from rivers?)
- Kievan Principality being influence oriented, as Kiev was the most prestigious and large city in eastern Europe (maybe some Influence + Food Legacy trait)
- Yaroslavl Principality being militaristic culture, with legacy trait like "The Battle on the ice" with units getting bonus CS on rivers or adjacent to Coast or Lakes. And maybe getting Influence for destroying enemy units in battle.

But it seems weird to focus on one single Principality leaving behind the others. Or other way we'd have to rename medieval era into Rus era :D

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