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Map feature Lens and toponym editing

GUIWorld GenerationExploration

a year ago
Jan 18, 2024, 8:16:03 PM

With the addition of Pama-Nyungan to the playable cultures it became not only immersive, but also useful to clearly identify Landmarks and Natural Wonders on the map. An addition of special lens, that would highlight Landmarks and Natural Wonders would be very helpful and improve immersion.

Also such lens could have a tool that allows players to edit names of Landmarks (but not Natural Wonders) that are fully inside this players territory. Ocean names are also uneditable in this case, but that's seems okay.

Updated 18 days ago.
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a year ago
Jan 20, 2024, 2:34:41 AM

Agreed. Showing Natural Wonders on the paper map would be fantastic. (Edit: this exists. See below.)

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jan 20, 2024, 2:44:26 AM
IoFromTheWest wrote:

Agreed. Showing Natural Wonders on the paper map would be fantastic.

After you have founded a city, click the society tab (bottom L), natural wonders will show up in the paper map. They have names and a waterfall icon. (And it is indeed fantastic)

Updated a year ago.
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