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Synergy bonus for transitioning to relevant cultures

Game optionsPopulationDiplomacyCulturesIndependent People

a year ago
Jan 22, 2024, 5:37:23 AM

As the title suggests, for immersive purposes most likely.

I also think this will solve the un-immersive choices of the AI to go very wild with their choices. They will get synergy bonuses for moving on to the historically correct (or at the very least regionally correct) cultures. This could also apply if the relevant cultures are present in the region (ally or enemy doesn't matter) which could also add to a positive multiplier between nations and could also apply to Independent People

May also be boosted by civics like Multiculturalism and Monoculturalism

Updated 7 days ago.
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a year ago
Jan 22, 2024, 6:45:02 PM

I personally enjoy the possibility to go wild and get a unique cultures combination perfect for the flow of my particular game, so I wouldn't want it in the base game.
But I can see your proposition become a game-mode - a ruleset that can be toggled at game creation called "historic" that would have such bonuses. So that some players can play a wild choices version, and other players can play a more historically accurate one.

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a year ago
Jan 23, 2024, 9:50:52 PM

I'd prefer it to see if cultures that are more distinct blend in some way, because going from the Romans to the Aztecs is a huge leap. I don't know how they could do this in a way simplistic enough to implement but there's gotta be something they can do to make cultural progression feel natural without forcing people to stick to strict historical progression.

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