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Fix the Soviets culture


a year ago
Jan 30, 2024, 8:10:12 PM

My main aim is to propose a historically accurate version of a Soviet culture as a balanced and viable option of the 6th era. The following changes were made to maintain the solid character of the culture without having any overpowered or underpowered parts.

The LT's previous bonuses are now embodied in the new EQ, based on the forced industrialization of USSR and the key role that it played during and after wwII, while the new LT's bonuses are based on the cultural and political belief of the Soviets, which international influence was (also) supported by the imponent size of its army. It's intended strategy is to pursue an expansionistic game strategy with the help of a strong industry and a strong ideology that support the bellic endevours. I opted to replace the EQ's uniquely defensive bonuses with a more flexible one (the industry cost discount) and to reduce the penalty to stability (that, maybe, should be changed with a little monetary penalty) since the Arms Factory is no longer as controversially OP as before. In my opinion, further nerfs to the culture would just cause the culture to become an "obsolete" choice for the 6th era.

Red Tide:

  • +3 Combat Strength on Unit in your sphere of influence
  • +2 Influence on City or Outpost per Units within its territory

Arms Factory:

  • +10 Pollution
  • +5 Industry
  • -10  Stability
  • Count as "Makers Quarter"
  • Creates a new Deposit of Weapons which is automatically exploited.
  • +2 Combat Strength on Unit
  • -5 Stability per Weapon on all Cities (alternatively: -5 Money per Weapon on all Cities)
  • -3% on Unit Industry cost per Weapon

Red Army Tank:

  • It replaces the Medium Tank
  • 60 CS
  • 8 MP
  • 6 Range
  • Field Repairs
Updated 6 days ago.
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a year ago
Mar 1, 2024, 3:34:23 PM
seifula04 wrote:

It's good actually~

Well, yeah, but now it's defenitely not a competitive culture of the 6th era. Most of it it's due the fact that its abilities don't synergize particularly well and are conditioned too much by lucky contexts rather than real strategy.

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